In an exclusive conversation with the current lineage holder of the classical Viniyoga tradition of T Krishnamacharya and T.K.V. Desikachar, Dr. Kausthub Desikachar explains the challenges, and opportunities, for keeping the tradition alive in moder ...
A Yoga Re-awakening in India
Published in UK'S Yoga Magazine July 2022 issue The moment I landed in India last month, even before setting foot into any yoga center or studio, I could feel I was at the birthplace of yoga. From statues of Hindu deities in&nb ...
Prana: Insights from Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science
As featured in Yoga Magazine, March 2022 The word Prana is used so sparingly in yoga classes that it might sound like another ancient concept somehow related to pranayama, breath control, but of no direct relevance to modern life outside the yog ...
Unfolding Real Beauty Through Yoga
As published in Yoga Magazine February 2021 In 2007, I first came across a global research study that revealed that only 2% of women around the world considered themselves beautiful. At the time, I was leading Corporate Communicati ...
Animals in Yoga: Intimate connection, Timeless Inspiration
As featured in Yoga Magazine, January 2022 Listening to a yoga teacher guide the class through postures and breathing practices with animal names (like Cobra, Cat, Cow, Pigeon, Peacock, Lion Breath to name a few) might sound like a fun way to kee ...
Beauty Through the Eyes of Yoga
In 2007, I first came across a global research study that revealed that only 2% of women around the world considered themselves beautiful. At the time, I was leading Corporate Communications for Unilever in the Middle East and acted a ...
How to Retreat: Capturing the Long-Term Benefits of Yoga Retreats
As features in Yoga Magazine, November 2021 issue As Europe continues to witness the first signs of recovery from an ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, yoga and wellness retreats are seeing a resurgence in places like Portugal and Spain. The trend is pr ...
What’s War Got to do with Yoga?
As featured in Yoga Magazine Anyone who has been to a yoga class is probably familiar with terms like Warrior One, Warrior Two, Breath of Fire, or perhaps heard references to Indian deities related to war and destruction. Yet isn’t yoga all abou ...
Young Adults and Yoga: Reviews and Reflections on Managing Mental Distress
As featured in UK's Yoga Magazine, August 2021 issue Scientific research confirming the benefits of yoga on mental health has been growing in recent years. Yet the alarming surge of young adults suffering from various forms of mental health situa ...
Breathwork: All Hype or Proven Benefits?
We breathe all the time, so why the sudden interest in breath work? Not only in yoga circles but in the business world, conventional medical journals and pop culture, there seems to be a renewed interest in breath work as a powerful healt ...